Friday, May 21, 2010

Field Day

We had our VERY LAST Feild day EVR. *Tear* But it was fun. We were always with our little "group" (Laurence, Alan, Payton, and I). We did relay races first, then dancing, tug-a-war, lunch, Kid Country, kick ball, and swimming.

Funny Moments:

During one of the relay races, I was going through tires and half way through them, I fell flat on my face. LOL

When we were dancing to the songs that were playing, we tried to get my older brother, Jordan, to dance. Not only that, but Alan and Laurenece were doing some pretty awkward moves.

When we did boys versus girls in tug-a-war, all the girls let go and the boys all fell down, lus we won. Also, Payton was in the loop at the end of the rope and the boys kept pulling the rope and she was dragged across the ground and went OVER Erin. It was HILARIOUS!!

At lunch, Laurence and I got into a water fight with the water bottles, but I LOVE dark, cold, and wet things. Aren't I such a bright and sunny person? (Don't answer that.) We ended up using three water bottles EACH. Now, THAT was funny.

At kid country, Laurence's little brother (who had been with us the whole time), Alfred, punched Alan in the balls, like, 15 times. Ouch. Sucks for you, Alan! BTW, he's five. He als said some pretty bad words for a five-year-old.

At kick ball, nothing exciting really happened. Except my toe. . . . That's a WHOLE nother story.

Swimming. When I jumped off the diving board, I did a 360 twist and landed in a backflop (a bellyflop, but on your back). Then, when we were in the kiddy pool, we were playing this game where two people held hands and everyone else tried to catch them and pull them apart. Let's just say I had a VERY tight grip. So, I did it with Jack and we had held on for, like, forever and I say, "Jack, I'll never let go." LOL



  1. Lolz! I'm going to Dallas on a four-day vacation in June. Can't wait!

  2. NOW WAY!! Maybe I can meet you!? I live in Coppell.

  3. Is that a subdivision close to Dallas? I don't know. But that would be cool if I met you.

  4. Totally!! Actually, Coppell is a city and Dallas is the county. It's, like, 30 minutes away from where I live.

  5. Hee hee "Jack I'll never let go" LOL

  6. I know, we always joke around like that.
