Sunday, May 30, 2010

Poll Results

Paintball. . . .

Ouch *Winner*

Make sure to vote on the next poll!


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Year Book Signing Party

This years year book is crap, but I had A LOT of people sign mine. I wrote in Trey's REALLY big so he wrote tiny on mine. Then, Payton signed HUGE over Laurence's. LOL Great year book signing party!!


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Kid Country

I might have mentioned Kid Country in my last post. Well, it's this huge, awesome playground. During school we went there from 11:35 to 2:00. This is what happened:

When we got there, we had lunch. After that we just played around until we had to do an easy, little project. What we had to do was find the perimeter of the playgroung (trust me, it's huge) and at first we were like, "How are we supposed to do that!?" But we smartie GT kids (Alan, Laurence, Payton, and I) found out. There were these red squares around the whole place and they were 18 inches and there was 357 of them. So we found out the perimeter. ;) The rest of the time we got to do whatever we wanted. We played Lava Tag. It's just tag, but you can't touch the woodchips. I guess I did the monkey bars too much, cause I got two HUGE blistors! Did you know blisters are filled with puss? *Nodds* Then Payton was chasing me and I jumped from one platform to another and jumped TOO far. I face-planted into the ground and now my leg has a HUGE (am I using HUGE too much?) bruise and a deep cut. My friends and I were cracking up.

Well, that's another random day in my summer life.


Friday, May 21, 2010

Field Day

We had our VERY LAST Feild day EVR. *Tear* But it was fun. We were always with our little "group" (Laurence, Alan, Payton, and I). We did relay races first, then dancing, tug-a-war, lunch, Kid Country, kick ball, and swimming.

Funny Moments:

During one of the relay races, I was going through tires and half way through them, I fell flat on my face. LOL

When we were dancing to the songs that were playing, we tried to get my older brother, Jordan, to dance. Not only that, but Alan and Laurenece were doing some pretty awkward moves.

When we did boys versus girls in tug-a-war, all the girls let go and the boys all fell down, lus we won. Also, Payton was in the loop at the end of the rope and the boys kept pulling the rope and she was dragged across the ground and went OVER Erin. It was HILARIOUS!!

At lunch, Laurence and I got into a water fight with the water bottles, but I LOVE dark, cold, and wet things. Aren't I such a bright and sunny person? (Don't answer that.) We ended up using three water bottles EACH. Now, THAT was funny.

At kid country, Laurence's little brother (who had been with us the whole time), Alfred, punched Alan in the balls, like, 15 times. Ouch. Sucks for you, Alan! BTW, he's five. He als said some pretty bad words for a five-year-old.

At kick ball, nothing exciting really happened. Except my toe. . . . That's a WHOLE nother story.

Swimming. When I jumped off the diving board, I did a 360 twist and landed in a backflop (a bellyflop, but on your back). Then, when we were in the kiddy pool, we were playing this game where two people held hands and everyone else tried to catch them and pull them apart. Let's just say I had a VERY tight grip. So, I did it with Jack and we had held on for, like, forever and I say, "Jack, I'll never let go." LOL


Thursday, May 20, 2010


Here are the poll results:

Do you like wings?

I LOVE WINGS!! *Winner*

Do you like Twilight?

Ugh *Winner*
Go Team Edward!
I haven't seen/read it

Do you like this blog?

Yes *Winner*

Vote on the next polls!!


Friday, May 14, 2010


Well, this is the first summer storm. I was outside climbing trees. Real smart. Especially with the tornado alarm sounding. I also went out on my trampaline. Aren't I the safest person? LOL It was really fun though, beacuse I was with my friens, Alex and Lauren. I also love things that are cold, wet, and dar, so I LVE storms. This was a pretty fun day.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Rubber Ducky

Anyone know this song?

Rubber Ducky your the one,
you make bath time lots of fun!

It's from Sesame Street. Well, I didn't make this, but take this button if you know this song (it's on the sidebar)! I brought it up, because my friends sing it ALL the time. ;)


Saturday, May 8, 2010


I'm working on a story about the old west. Something that I just always loved. Here's a summary:

It's 1848 in North Texas and once again, there's a break out of fights between the Vaqueros in Mae's town. But what if she falls in love with Nate, one of the young mexican coyboys? Will she turn him down or turn against her family? You'll have to find out.



Today, I'm going to a comercial audition. There are about 100 people auditioning, but I still won't have a chance. The only experience I have is taking acting classes when I was, like, four. **Sigh** Wish me luck!


Monday, May 3, 2010

Sky Ranch

For my first official post, I would like to talk about the time my grade went to Sky Ranch about two weeks ago. Here we go:

Day One

We took a bus (der!), but is was awesome cause the bus could hold like 45 people, but there were only, like, about 30. Out of all the funny things we did during those two hours were, one, laughing randomly for no reason, and, two, playing this emo game. Once we got there, we went to our cabins (my friends and I got the haunted one, of course). That's when the boring schedule came. Lunch, class, class, and finally the fun rec. time! First, I went to the water slides with my friend, Micheal. They were SO fun, even though they didn't look like it. Then, with my luck, someone left their mat on the ground and I slipped on it. I fell and gave myself some bad cuts, but kept on going down the slides. Usual me. =D After that, we got some more people and went to the party pool. We played in the pool, went down baby pools, and jumped off a trapeze into the water. When the two hours were over, we had dinner, then went to the night activities. The first one was clue. And when I mean clue, I mean real suspects and stuff. We ran all over camp looking for the answers. Our cabin was the only cabin that got everything right. :) Then, we went to play Nukom (like volleyball, but you catch it), but we play it at school and everyone HATES it, so we weren't too thrilled, but it was so much better. If you dropped the ball, you're out, and it was on a sand court at night. NO ONE wanted to go to bed that night and we kept passing notes to each other from our bunks. What a day. . . .


Day Two

When we woke up, we got ready to head over to breakfast. After that, more of the boring routine. Class, Lunch, Class, Class, and rec. time! All me and Lauren did for 45 minutes was sit, talk, and smush lady bugs. Don't forget being bit by spiders! Once Micheal and Jack got there, we went to the Sky Cafe for Milkshakes, which I bought. Talk about crazy times! Lauren was laughing so hard, she spit her chewed up Shockers (sour candy) into her milkshake, Parker was staring at us from inside, and I was literally spitting up my milkshake. It was also funny, cause I kept saying, "I'm going crazy," and Lauren kept on replying, "Madi, for the last time, your not going crazy. You ARE crazy!" Don't forget the night activities! The first thing we did was preform our skits (all skits coming soon). The fun part was that the Sky Ranch consulars had a couple of skits themselves. The most special part was that we watched fireworks by the lake, which is a lucky treat they don't do that very often at Sky Ranch. Time to head back to the cabins. . . .


Day Three

In the morning, we packed our bags and loaded them up. Then, we went to breakfast, a class, and lunch. After that we got onto the bus and headed home. :( Although, the bus ride was SO much fun. We played M.A.S.H and I married my friend Laurence! :P But it was fun. XD For the rest of the bus ride, we sang songs and when we entered Coppell, we all sang one of the High School cheers that goes something like this:

C-O! C-O-P! C-O-P-P-E-L-L! Coppell! **Clap, Clap** Cowboys (mascot)!

Huh? Huh? **Elbows person sitting next to Me**
