Friday, June 25, 2010

A Wedding

Tonight, we went to a wedding. Liz Callerman, now Liz Anderson, got married. She lived across the street from us and my older brothe andd sister grew up with her. The wedding was pretty fun. They did the cupid shuffle and rode off in a Model T (one of the first cars). What was really cool was the way they met. Jason was in the army and she wrote letters to him and sent care packs. When he got out of the army, they went and met each other. Of course, THEN, they fell in love. Cute, huh?

You guys know my best friends, Laurence, Alan, and Payton, who I mention alot? Well, soon I'll be uploading a pic of all four of us.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Crazy Awesome Giveaway

Laney, from Got Freckles (yes I do) is having a giveaway. You could win an 18 pieces of cool clay and fabric goodies that her friend made. I personaly think it's petty cool. you could also win handmade cards from her other friend. Well, hop on over to her blog and enter!

Also, here's the poll results:

Have you ever heard of the Hunger Games, and if so, do you like it?

Haven't Heard Of It
Yes and No
Yes and Yes


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Super Mario Brothers

I. Am. Obsessed. With. Super. Mario. Brothers. I play it on the Wii, the N64, and even the VERY FIRST nitendo game ever. All day, I've been saying, like, "Jump. Dodge. Climb. Shoot fireballs." I payed it for HOURS! And I can't waait for fourth of july when I got to Midland, Texas to see my coisins, Alli and Josie. They also have that, Mario Cart, and Mario Party. Can't wait! Also, vote on the poll.

I also want to give a shout out to Olive Tree and Dreamstar. Dreamstar made my blog button and Olive Tree made the background and an older posts image. Thanks!


Friday, June 18, 2010


We did so much at camp I can't write it all. That, nd I'm lazy. And I wrote this big post on anoher blog. So, if you have any questions, just here.

On the other hand, I have an ear infection. :(


Sunday, June 13, 2010

Poll Results

Which do you like?

None of the Above *Winner*
All of the Above

How dare you!? I love all three! Vote on the next poll.

BTW, I wil be gone for a week at camp. I can't post until Friday when I will tell you all about it.


Saturday, June 12, 2010

Birthday Parties

About a week ago, I went to Danielle's birthday party at Gameworks. It's this awesome place where you get to play games. Payton, Riley, Alex, and I rode this one parachute ride where you up and down. It was a pretty cool birthday party.

This night, I went to Michelle's pool party. When we got there, we went swimming then ate hot dogs for dinner. After that, we watched Mrs. Doubtfire which was HILARIOUS! We ate cake and went outside to swim some more. It was pretty awesome, one of the best birthday parties I've gone to. Probablt because most all my friends were there, but still. Summer's going to be real fun. . . .

BTW, please look at the post below!


Former Glory: Contest

So, you know how Olive Tree's back? Well, she's trying to have 100 followers, so go to this URL to follow:

Also, please mention my name if you decide to follow in a comment!


Sunday, June 6, 2010

She's Back!

Who's back? Olive Tree!


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Last Walk

The Last Walk Around is where we walk around the school in the last five minutes. It was funny, because last year, EVERYONE cried and this year, NO ONE cried. Lot of people got teary, though. Laurence and Alan were crying tears of joy and running through the croud. I thought I would start bawlig, but I didn't. I'm still sad, but no tears have come. Now, I'm at the pool party!!


Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Today, I graduated 5th grade. It was pretty sad. My kindergarten teacher came back, my princibles cried, and I felt like crying. TCE was full of so many memoies that could never fade. Except, our school has a special time to cry on the last day of school that I'll post about later.

:'( :'(
