Thursday, June 3, 2010

Last Walk

The Last Walk Around is where we walk around the school in the last five minutes. It was funny, because last year, EVERYONE cried and this year, NO ONE cried. Lot of people got teary, though. Laurence and Alan were crying tears of joy and running through the croud. I thought I would start bawlig, but I didn't. I'm still sad, but no tears have come. Now, I'm at the pool party!!



  1. Your school has such weird traditions... In comparison, mine seems... I don't know. Boring?

  2. LOL, my school IS very. . . . awkward, funny, best school ever.

  3. That's cool. I don't think ant schools in California do that. What state do you live in? (I won't stalk you or anything, don't worry. I'm just curious!)

  4. LUCKY!!!!!!!! I would love to do that. :) I have like 10 more days of school left...So yeah. But I'm pretty excited because I'm going to a friends birthday party and she wants to burn her school supplies... So she told everyone to bring something burn... lol :P (that was totally out of the conversation, but I'm random...So, yeah)

  5. Texas.

    Omigosh, that sounds fun. I wanna burn something (maybe my evil teacher)! I'm going to two birthday parties soon, too. LOL, I just used all three 2s in one sentence!

  6. Ooh, I've always wanted to go to Texas!

    I so want to burn my science textbook! Usually I love science, but this year really sucked! I don't like physics!

  7. Starrynight: Try having to do Human Bio...ugh.

    Anyway, at my school there's a high school & middle school, so when the 8th graders go into high school we have a little ceremony for them. I was tearing up b/c I've known them all since I started the school, but halfway through I had to muffle my mouth to keep from bawling. Most of them are going to other high schools next year.

  8. Oh, yay. I can't wait... *sarcastic!*

    I am going to be heartbroken next year because practically all my firends are going to a different high school than I am! :'(
